In honour of #PrideMonth, we’re donating all proceeds from our wine tastings to Windsor Pride Community. You can also receive a Pride bracelet when you order online and make a $5 donation!

About Windsor Pride Community
Windsor Pride Community provides a safe and positive space where members of the 2SLGBTQIA community can find information and referrals to community services, connections to individual and group counselling and peer support. Windsor Pride Community also provides diversity education and resources for Windsor Essex at large and advocates for the 2SLGBTQIA community through partnerships and leadership in broader initiatives. Donations help support their programs and activities.
What is Pride Month?
Pride Month is a month dedicated to amplifying the voices of folks in the 2SLGBTQIA community. It highlights the 2SLGBTQIA culture and support of 2SLGBTQIA rights. Pride Month takes place during the month of June and is often celebrated with parades, protests, festivals and performances.
“We celebrate in June to coincide with the catalyst of the Gay Liberation Movement that was the Stonewall Uprising. In the early morning hours of June 28, 1969, police raided a popular gay bar in N.Y.C.’s West Village, The Stonewall Inn… on this particular evening, the patrons of the bar fought back, starting the Stonewall Riots, which went on for days.”
This June marks the 52nd anniversary of the very first Pride Parade in 1970, one year after the Stonewall Riots. These riots marked the birth of the gay rights movement.
Quick Facts About the 2SLGBTQIA Community
- almost one-third of 2SLGBTQIA Canadians are under 25 years old
- one quarter of Canada’s 2SLGBTQIA community are gay men; 1 in 7 are gay or lesbian women
- hate crimes targeting sexual orientation are up 41%
- 2SLGBTQIA students have reported feeling unsafe in locker rooms, gym glass and bathrooms
- 71.3% of 2SLGBTQIA students hear homophobic remarks every day
- 81.9% of 2SLGBTQIA students have reported being verbally harassed, 38.8% have reported being physically harassed and 18.3% have reported being physically assaulted at school
- between 1 and 1.25 million of Ontario’s province is part of the 2SLGBTQIA community
- the rainbow flag as a gay pride symbol made its debut at the San Francisco Pride Parade in 1978
- in 1994 Gilbert Baker led the creation of a mile-long rainbow flag to honour the 25th anniversary of the Stonewall Riots.